Chicken Soup for the Soul - The Spirit of Canada
101 Stories of Love and Gratitude.
Including "Terry Fox -- Our Greatest Hero" by Dennis McCloskey
Chicken Soup for the Soul - O Canada: The Wonders of Winter
101 Stories about Bad Weather, Good Times, and Great Sports.
Including "Ski You Later" by Dennis McCloskey
Chicken Soup for the Soul - Angels Among Us
101 Inspirational stories of Miracles, Faith, and Answered Prayers.
Including "Who Was That Man?" by Dennis McCloskey
Chicke n Soup for the Soul - O Canada
101 Heartwarming and Inspiring Stories by and for Canadians.
Including "The Solitary Cottage" by Dennis McCloskey
God's Jesters Adult non-fiction (humour) |
And Now, A Word From A Freelance Writer Adult non-fiction (writing) |
Mug Shots Adult non-fiction (beer, humour) |
365 Beertime Stories Adult non-fiction (beer, humour) |
Side Splitters Juvenile (wit and humour) |
Love-15 Young Adult fiction |
Manure On My Skates Young Adult fiction |
Son of a Brewer (Edited and co-written by Dennis McCloskey) Adult non-fiction (beer, memoir)